Vaya Ver Al Pato (“Go Look At The Duck”) Written by Marcy Guevara

Home / Other / Vaya Ver Al Pato (“Go Look At The Duck”) Written by Marcy Guevara

As an only child, I was often surrounded by adults, entertained myself and listened intently to any adult conversations I was within earshot to.  This clearly led to my early development, extensive vocabulary, and desire to converse about mature topics.  However, there were times that my mother would say, “Vaya ver al pato…” which means ,“Go look at the duck,” or in other words…scoot. go. get out of here!  

I was always disheartened but it was probably for the best, as adults do need their conversation time and children do need more than “earmuffs” to block out the inappropriate details of mom’s friend’s latest escapades from

I survived, I am okay, and my children will be too.  But let’s talk about your children now.

I was recently dining with some friends and one of their offspring, when it became quite an issue that we could not converse as adults.  The child would simply not entertain themselves and SHUT UP!  It got incredibly awkward at times too, and I just need to say that while I appreciate your child’s outstanding vocabulary and impeccable use of words I am barely learning the definition of, I do not appreciate discussing topics of their choice due to the lack of their interest in what those of us over ten years old care about.  I also don’t find it cute or clever that they pipe in their opinion without being asked, and that they interrupt, and that they don’t have the wherewithal to see that mommy and her friends are having an adult conversation.  If you won’t say anything then I am going to have to because being a walking thesaurus is one thing, however having manners is another, and you can’t buy manners, yet they will always take you further.

Children are lovely creatures and their inquisitive nature should be nourished, but they should learn that there is a time and a place and an appropriate way to transition into a conversation, when to just listen and when to just go look at the duck.

SO with that said…can you send your kid to go look at the duck sometimes?  They ARE cute…but politeness is cuter.

xxoo, Marcy your Non-Mommy BFF

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