The Juggling Act

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This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Huggies.  However, all opinions expressed are my own.

Exhaustion is the best way to describe learning how to juggle the needs of two children when you’re so used to only having one.  This is definitely a major parenting challenge for me right now, learning to juggle more than one child, while being extremely exhausted on top of it.  However, this challenge isn’t a unique one, as I know there are parents out there who have three, four, or five kids (or even more) going through the same juggling act as me, but possibly doing it better.

I have chosen to do several things different with my second daughter, than I did with my first daughter, which has made the juggling act even more so challenging for me. One of those things is that I made it my goal to exclusively breastfeed this time around, until I felt my daughter was ready for solids.  This may not seem like a big deal, but nursing can actually be very time consuming. When you are nursing a baby, you can’t just hand over the feeding to someone else, unless you pump, and even pumping can be difficult to do because you need to make the time to do it.  I do pump, but I have yet to master balancing enough time to do it where I can build an ample supply of milk.  I have also recently introduced solids into my baby’s diet, but I have also decided to make her all organic homemade baby foods, instead of the organic jarred baby foods like I did with my first daughter.  I really enjoy making the baby food and it doesn’t take that long to make, but honestly there are some moments when I miss the instant convenience of jarred baby food.  

Trying to keep up with my 4 in-a-half year old’s schedule and with my baby’s schedule just seems almost impossible for me somedays.  Yes, just feeding the baby has become a juggling act for me.  For instance, you don’t know how many mornings there have been when my baby is screaming because she is ready to nurse again (for the third time that morning-lol), but I am also trying to get my daughter ready and off to preschool.  That’s when I feel the most terrible and think that I am just failing this juggling act.  That’s when I simply wish I could just divide myself into more than one mom, so that I can meet everyone’s needs in a more timely manner.

In the end though, what needs to get done always gets done and honestly to the best of my ability too.  Just like every loving mom, I’m just trying to do the best I can to create happy, thriving children, and so I may not be perfect, and I may struggle at times, but I’m happy to say that I have not dropped the ball (or the baby) in this juggling act.

Make sure to check out Huggies Spokesperson Zuleyka Rivera and her son Sebastian in her 3rd webisode series to see how she juggles motherhood with her busy every day life. Leave your feedback in the comment section of the video, Check it out HERE!  You can also see the video at the Huggies Latino Facebook page!


Also make sure to grab a pack of Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers with New SureFit Design and Huggies Natural Care Wipes with New Triple Clean Layers and join Zuleyka as she puts Huggies to the test. Visit for more information on the new Huggies products.

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