1. Robin, what made you want to pursue a career in entertainment television?
After working 8+ years as a local newscast producer, from Cincinnati to San Diego to LA, I needed a change. I felt myself getting overly jaded after putting together all those newscasts filled with child kidnappings, SWAT Team stand-offs, and horrible car accidents. Towards the end, during my drive home from work I started assuming I was going to get into a 5-car pile-up, and began having panic attacks. It was getting unhealthy. So, I chose to work on shows where “breaking news” was about celebrity break-ups instead of murder-suicides.
2. What would you say was your “Big Break” that helped you steer your career toward becoming the Executive Producer that you are today?
Getting the job as a writer/producer at The Insider in 2005 was absolutely my “big break.” My boss, DJ Petroro (Co-Executive Producer of The Insider), saw talent in me, and continually promoted me, until I caught the eye of Entertainment Tonight’s executive producer, Linda Bell Blue, (The Insider’s sister-show) who brought me on board there as a senior producer. It was grueling work, but I loved it there.
3. How would you describe a typical day on the job at your current show Hollywood 411 at the TV Guide Network?
Hollywood 411 is a weekly entertainment news show. Each day of the week is different. Mondays, we start off at 9:30am with a news meeting involving the entire staff. My news producer goes over all the stories going on in Hollywood, the big news from the weekend, and then the shoots we have already set coming up that week. Then, the team works together to put together the next episode’s rundown. By Friday, we’re shooting the new episode on the set, and putting the finishing touches on the show we’ve worked on all week. Over the weekend, we add stories when there’s breaking news, to keep the show fresh for when it finally airs Sunday night.
4. What was one of the most exciting red carpets you have ever covered?
Wow, I’ve covered so many, it’s hard to think of one that stands out. I guess nothing could ever beat The Oscars, and being there on the red carpet, with all the breathtaking gowns, there’s just nothing like it.
5. Do you ever get star-struck? If so, with who?
I really don’t, but I did at one particular red carpet. It was the Santa Barbara Film Festival in 2006 I believe, and Leonardo DiCaprio was being honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award. (At the old age of 30!) When he walked down the carpet, and it was my turn to interview him, he looked me square in the eye and smiled. And I just thought – I get it. He is mesmerizing.
6. How did having your son change the dynamic of your career?
How didn’t it change it? I went from Executive Producer of E! News, a daily 30-minute show, working 24 hours a day, sleeping with a blackberry under my pillow, to leaving work altogether (I was sick during my pregnancy and couldn’t work for months). Then it took me a very long time to figure out how I could do what I do best, without completely sacrificing my family. I think I’ve found the perfect fit with a weekly show at TV Guide. It’s not nearly as demanding as a daily show, although I do work every day.
7. What difficult decisions do you feel you have made regarding balancing your career with balancing motherhood?
I had to take a step back and reevaluate what’s important. I’m not a “young mother,” I already spent 15+ years building up my career. A lot of it has been difficult, because haven’t I earned the right to work less, and spend more time with family? The truth is, the higher up on the ladder you move, the more work that’s required of you. No matter what. So I’ve turned down some lucrative offers because I knew they would be just like when I was at E!, working 24-hours a day, and it’s just not worth missing precious moments with my husband and son.
8. Many working moms say they carry guilt at one time or another, does this happen to you and if so how do you handle those feelings?
I feel guilty every day! Every morning when I drop my son off at daycare, I have a lump in my throat. But I know that he loves it there and he’s happy, so it’s okay. The truth of the matter is, I’d go batty as a stay-at-home mom. I just couldn’t do it. My husband and I both work full time, (he’s a sound editor at Sony Pictures Television) and we spend every moment of the weekend together as a family and just soak up as much of each other as we can.
9. What has been the most rewarding thing about becoming a mom?
The realization that there is so much more to life than just yourself. The joy of watching my 19-month old son learn new words every day. Seeing him looking just like my husband. It’s just so amazing. It puts everything in perspective.
10. Do you have any advice for other career minded moms?
The truth is, everyone has to figure out what’s right for them. If you want a full career, you have to be okay with missing certain events in your child’s life and not beat yourself up about it! Because if it makes you a happier person, then you’re going to have a happier child. And isn’t that what it’s all about?
Follow Robin Radin on Twitter @popnewsgirl
To find out more information about Robin Radin go to www.robinradin.com

A very special thank you to Robin Radin and her family.
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