1. Casi you are most definitely a “Fashionista,” when you decided to start writing about fashion in your cupcakeMAG Blog did you ever imagine that it would become the successful online magazine that it is today?
Aw! Thank you so much Michelle! You are just tooo incredibly sweet! I have to say — no, I never imagined how it would truly become a business! Besides being the ringleader of 4 girls & my darling hubs of course, cupcakeMAG IS my full-time job! I first started it as a place to showcase my reviews and designer interviews while attending Miami, LA, and New York Fashion Week. It quickly grew to more than fashion. It branched out to celebrity interviews, product reviews, DIY projects, home trends, beauty must-haves and one of my favorite — a place to feature Etsy designers and so much more! I truly believe in supporting small businesses! I never imagine that I would need to bring on a team or how quickly it would become a successful site!
2. What is it about fashion that gives you the biggest thrill?
Ah, fashion! I have been obsessed since my aunt bought me my first pair of Payless high heels when I was 10! Well, it probably goes back even further to playing Barbie’s! When I was younger I wanted to be a fashion designer. When my family would take trips to NYC – I would sketch the entire time. As I grew up, I realized the fashion design industry was to big of a competition for me to take on so I settled for nursing school. After doing 2 years of nursing I saw a patient die. She was a 17 year old in a horrific car accident and I was with the doctor who had to tell the parents. I was way to emotionally to continue nursing so I switched to fashion merchandising with a minor in journalism! And boy, am I thankful! Fashion is to me what candy is to a kid! It inspires, it makes me happy — I mean, who doesn’t get a thrill over a great pair of shoes!
3. You have described Fashion Week as your favorite time of year, has there been a particular show and/or designer that absolutely blew your mind or stood out the most to you?
Fashion Week is so hectic and we cover up to 10-15 shows a day. It is pretty insane! I have to say though — out of all the shows I’ve seen, my favorite was produced by the lovely Kelly Cutrone of People’s Revolution. It was Whitley Kros at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in LA in 2009.

The scene, the music, the clothes, the designers and overall feel was just a bittersweet moment and that show always pops into mind! Another long time favorite designer I always getting excited to see is the very talented Mara Hoffman.

Every season she wows me even more and I just adore her as a person, not just a designer. I would wear everything in every Mara Hoffman collection – LOVE her!
4. What challenges have you found in being a mom to 4 young daughters, while also being a successful Mompreneur?
I need 30 hour days! I just never have enough time. My schedule is always packed and I’m a list-aholic! If you look in my Blackberry right now and go to my notes section – I can promise you I have 30 lists going right now! It is the only way I stay organized. Being a full-time momma to 4 under 8 years old and running a full-time biz you have to stay organized otherwise it just won’t work.
5. Your children inspired cupcakeMAG for Littles, which is another online magazine of yours that focuses on Chic Moms and their babies. What do you find most rewarding about doing this type of blog?
cupcakeMAG for Littles is my baby! I just love it! For one, I get to stay up to date on all the amazing things for my Littles, but also I have a first hand experience because I do have four littles ones. I write from the heart and don’t review something I’m not passionate about because I don’t like to write anything negative. I only want to spread lots of love. I think mothers respect the blog and our point of view for that, and because I have experience, that helps too! I get so many emails asking about products – what I like, what I would buy, so cupcakeMAG for Littles became that place!
6. cupcakeMAG has done several celebrity interviews, do you remember your first one and how it felt to land it? How did you succeed in accomplishing that interview?
Kourtney Kardashian was my very first celebrity interview. I remember it like it was yesterday! It was 2 years ago – the summer of 2009 when her spin-off, Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami was getting ready to air so, that was the topic of discussion. One morning, I woke up and after seeing her commercial I thought – why not add cupcakeMAG some celeb coverage, so I got in touch with the Kardashians publicist and set-up the interview. It was a 30 minute phone interview and she was so down-to-earth it was like talking to my best friend. The best part was she even blogged about it after the interview! I’ve done so many designer interviews before, but landing a celebrity interview is such an accomplishment and feels great! And I’m so glad it was with someone who is so super sweet like her!
7. I know you love all of your celebs that you interview, but do you have one in particular that is most memorable?
I always adore interviewing Tori Spelling. She is just such an amazing person and such an inspiration for all she has accomplished. She always gives us a lot of feedback and you can tell she answers questions with such passion. She is just a favorite.
Another memorable interview was with Caroline Manzo! She is so humble and down to earth! While on the phone with me – not to mention, it was Labor Day, she asked why I was working. Then when I asked her what ten things we don’t know about her- she yelled out to her family for the answers. Caroline is simply a joy to talk to and a great person! I was lucky enough to meet her a few times in New York and talk to her even more – cupcakeMAG loves The Manzo Family!
8. You are getting ready to launch cupcakeMAG: Home Edition, tell us about this new venture, with so much on your plate, what made you decide to do this?
Family is home. Home is family! I felt that so many fashionistas and chic-mommas out there take pride in “dressing” their home too! So, I figured why not branch out and bring on DIY projects, home trends, must-haves for the home. I found myself looking around my home and visiting friends — wanting to share design ideas and tips from my home to yours! We felt that this would also bring in a different variety of readers too! We love to mix-it up.
Stay tuned because we are launching lots more when our new site goes live. We will also be introducing an Etsy Shopping Guide, Sweet Shoppe, and Reading Corner with a cupcakeMAG book club too!
9. Can you give any tips or advice to moms on how they can give their little ones the A-List Life without paying the A-List price? For instance if you know of a great place for them to find quality and/or designer children clothes at an affordable price, this would be a fantastic share for the readers.
I love Target, Tar-Jay as I call it! My Littles grow so quickly so I love stocking up on their cute little basics. However, I am obsessed with anything HANDmade so I’m a big fan of cruising Etsy for my girls. I love Laken & Lila! And let’s not forget Zulily! I check the site everyday and it is a great place to score bargains! H&M is another great place to score A-List style, but doesn’t break the bank! My girls never leave the house without a bow or a flower headband either. Some say I should be living in the South, but I love bows and flowers that are bigger than a newborn’s head! We don’t leave home without it. Banner Boutique and Snuggle Bug Kidz are my favorites!
Casi is editor of cupcakeMAG & cupcakeMAG for Littles (www.cupcakemag.com) Ringleader of her 4 girls, Zoe (8), McKenzie (4) , Kennadi (20 months) and Sadie (5 months) and let’s not forget to mention her darling hubs. When she isn’t writing and interviewing celebs or covering fashion weeks you can catch her watching reality TV, reading the “weeklies”, wishing she had a nanny and chasing after her Littles!
Follow the lovely Casi on Twitter @cupcakeMAG!
A very special thank you to Casi Densmore-Koon & cupcakeMag for sharing her life and beautiful family with us both in her interview and in her photos.
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