‘Blackfish,’ The Documentary That Has Changed My Perspective on Sea World

Home / Other / ‘Blackfish,’ The Documentary That Has Changed My Perspective on Sea World
The whale Tilikum's dorsal fin is collapsed.  Orcas in captivity may develop physical pathologies, such as the dorsal fin collapse seen in 60–90% of captive males. This happens to less than 1% of Orcas in the wild.
The whale Tilikum’s dorsal fin is collapsed. Orcas in captivity may develop physical pathologies, such as the dorsal fin collapse seen in 60–90% of captive males. This happens to less than 1% of Orcas in the wild.

I loved Sea World and it was actually my husband’s favorite theme park too.  My husband Mark and I have a rule that we would never take any of our children to a theme park until they were about 3 in-a-half or 4 years old, but we made the exception for Sea World and took our oldest daughter there for the first time when she was only 2 -in-a-half years old, after all it was both a fun and educational place to learn about the value of sea-life.

We thought we would take all of our children several times throughout their childhoods, the same way we had experienced Sea World growing up.  That was until the documentary ‘Blackfish’ put a big black cloud over our heads by exposing the truth behind  how cruel it is to hold majestic creatures such as Orcas in captivity.  In addition the documentary has also exposed the inhumane and unnatural acts that Sea World has personally bestowed upon these creatures, such as separating calf whales from their mother whales, although naturally they are suppose to stay together for life.  Therefore, these separations have caused major emotional distress and depression to both the baby and mother whales.  

Other cruelties include forcing the animals to live and swim in circles within tanks that are the equivalent in size to a bathtub for a human being.  In the wild they are used to swimming up to 100 miles a day to the rhythms of the ocean, but of course in tanks this is not possible.

The animals are also isolated most of their lives or put together in social clans that are not family members, therefore causing bloody fights and deaths between the whales that otherwise would not take place within their natural environment, the ocean.  This is because in the tanks, the less dominant whales have nowhere to escape to.  

Lack of stimulation and food deprivation has caused psychosis among the animals, which have put both the animals and the trainers in jeopardy.  We unfortunately saw this in the violent death of Senior Sea World Trainer Dawn Brancheau, who was killed by her Co-Star Killer Whale Tilikum.  

I have come to learn that Sea World is just a theme park that hides behind a Conservationist image and although we can’t deny that they do participate in some sea-life rescue activity, their Orcas and Dolphins treatment and captivity overshadows any beneficial acts that they may participate in.  Sea World DOES NOT educate, but merely ENTERTAINS.

I can now assure you that my family and I will NEVER go to Sea World again unless some MAJOR changes takes place there.  

I highly encourage everyone to watch this very important documentary.  I am not an animal activist, but you don’t have to be one to be shaken by this very powerful film.  Please see the trailer below and then go to CNN to see their airing schedule:


Go to CNN’s website here to find out the ‘Blackfish’  airing Schedule: http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/

Also tell Macy’s that you DO NOT want to see a Sea World float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.  You can easily email them by going here: https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=5111 

See what I wrote to Macy’s Below:

To Whom It May Concern:

I am a mother who loved Sea World. I took my oldest daughter when she was only 2 years old and thought it would be a place that we would always go to. However, after watching the documentary ‘Blackfish,’ I am horrified by the truth behind the lives of captive sea life, such as Orcas and Dolphins. It’s unnatural and cruel in many ways and I’m not even an animal rights activist, but I don’t have to be to know that the findings of Sea World’s practices are simply inhumane to these majestic creatures. Therefore, I would be highly disappointed to see a Sea World float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, especially after the very public findings of the cruelty that has truly taken place there.

SeaWorld is really just a theme park, trying to hide behind a conservationist image. The truth is that the animals who are confined there are miserable and are forced to engage in unnatural behaviors for an audience’s entertainment.

SeaWorld continues to jeopardize the safety of humans and animals alike, despite numerous tragedies–including the deaths of many orcas and the death of their trainer Dawn, who was seized by a frustrated orca, thrashed around violently, and held under water to drown in front of horrified children and families.

Please, as a concerned mother and Macy’s shopper, I ask of you to please cancel plans for a SeaWorld float at the parade. Thank you so much for your time.


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