I’ve Never Believed In The ‘5 Second Rule’ And Now I Especially Don’t.

Home / Family / I’ve Never Believed In The ‘5 Second Rule’ And Now I Especially Don’t.

This is a sponsored post, by Zeroez SoCal however all opinions expressed are my own.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m a germaphobe.  I’m the person who uses her foot to flush the toilet in a public restroom and then uses my elbow to dispense the soap to wash my hands afterwards.  I’m the mom who yells at her children to not even think about putting that piece of cereal that dropped from their spoon onto the floor into their mouths.  Yes I have never believed the ‘5 Second Rule’ and now I especially don’t believe it after finding out the research which has been done on it.

Picture courtesy of angrytorro.com
Picture courtesy of angrytorro.com

Jorge Parada, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA, medical director of the infection prevention and control program at Loyola University Health System says, “A dropped item is immediately contaminated and can’t really be sanitized.” All items that come into contact with a surface pick up bacteria and dirt.

In another study it was found that Salmonella Typhimurium can survive for up to 4 weeks on dry surfaces in high-enough populations to be transferred to foods and that Typhimurium can be transferred to the foods tested almost immediately on contact.

This study clearly demonstrates the ability of bacteria to survive and cross-contaminate other foods even after long periods of time on dry surfaces, therefore, reinforcing the importance of sanitation on food contact and why nobody should abide by the myth of the ‘5 Second Rule.’   Now when my husband or when one of my friends makes fun of me for my germaphobia, I have some good substantiated facts to back up my craziness.

Now think about all of the dust that collects in all of our homes too.  Even if you are constantly cleaning, like I often find myself doing, dust still hides everywhere and do you know what dust really is?  The dirty truth about dust is that dust itself is made up of the following: dirt and silt, dead skin cells, fibers and lint, pollen, spores, and plant particles, insect remains, residue from tobacco use (if there is a smoker in the house), construction debris, bacteria, viruses, and toxins!  Just gross!  This is enough to put any germaphobe over the edge!  AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Now here is one of the scariest parts about all of this.  What do we do to try and make the   dirt, bacteria, and dust disappear?  Well, we clean don’t we!?!  However, most of what we’re cleaning with is only bringing more pollutants and toxins into our homes and making the situation worse.  This is because most of our cleaning products have chemicals in them!  Oy vey, do we ever win?  Can’t we just have our cake and eat it too, as long as it hasn’t been dropped on the floor?  I have discovered recently that yes we can, or at least when it comes to cleaning our floors we can.

There is a way to get the satisfaction of cleaning our floors without introducing more chemicals into our homes and that is with  Zerorez So Cal.  They can clean your carpets, area rugs, and hard floor surfaces without using any harsh detergents or soaps.  Instead Zerorez So Cal uses a patented new green technology, EMPOWERED WATER™, which is enhanced water that is electrolyzed and oxidized to create a powerful cleaning solution without harmful toxins or chemicals. It is so safe and completely non-toxic that you can drink it and so I actually did!  Yep here’s a pic of me drinking the same water in which they used to clean my area rugs with, and here is my friendly Zerorez technician who joined me in drinking a glass of their EMPOWERED WATER™!



So you must be wondering how well did it clean my area rug?  Well check out these before and after pictures!


Look how vibrant my rug is after Zerorez SoCal cleaned it!  However, the most amazing part of this story is to come.  They usually send out rugs like these to be cleaned, but since I just wanted my rug cleaned in my home and I have hardwood floors underneath my rugs, they had to do what they call, “A light cleaning.”  These awesome results were from a “light cleaning!”  I can only imagine what they would have come back looking like if I had actually sent them out as recommended.  AMAZING!

Now for my readers, Zerorez SoCal and I would like to share with you a wonderful opportunity to clean your floors the non-toxic way by offering you a special discount.  You can get 2 areas (up to 200 square feet each) cleaned for only $99. You can choose carpet, hardwood, tile and grout and natural stone. Zerorez SoCal does clean upholstery too, but it is not included in this deal.

Now all you have to do is call 866-937-6739 and use code HOLLY26 to get the discount!

You can also learn more about their services on the Zerorez Socal website and make sure to join in on the conversation by following them on Facebook and Twitter!


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