“The Tooth Fairy” Teeth Dilemma…What Do You Do With Them? Written by Elissa R. Lerma

Home / Family / “The Tooth Fairy” Teeth Dilemma…What Do You Do With Them? Written by Elissa R. Lerma

There are some aspects of parenting that you are just not prepared for.  Those things that other parents fail to mention and lately I have had a question about one of those things that has been troubling me.  See my oldest is 6 years old and you know what 6 year old’s have a tendency to do, right?  Well they tend to lose those cute little baby teeth that just fall right out of their mouths or in the case of my kid they tend to swallow it. So here is my question.  When my kid isn’t swallowing her baby teeth, what am I or “The Tooth Fairy” supposed to do with all these teeth that he or she collects?

After my daughter lost her first tooth, she exchanged it for something ridiculous like $5.00, so basically I was down 5 bucks and now had this tooth to deal with, so here were the options I had:

  • Throw it away.  But isn’t it illegal to dispose of human remains and isn’t a tooth technically human remains?  Also, can’t you get DNA from teeth or stem cells or something?  What if some crazy mad scientist is rummaging through my trash and takes the tooth and clones my kid?
  • Keep it.  After a quick search for “keeping baby teeth” I found that not only do people do this, but there is a whole market for ways to keep the teeth.  My favorite is a book called “My Baby Teeth Book.”  Click on pics to see where to purchase these items.
  • It comes with a little round disk to keep all lost teeth in.  You can keep the dates the tooth was lost and even keep pictures of those cute toothless grins.  Another reason to keep the teeth is that they could be worth a lot of money someday!  I just read that one of John Lennon’s teeth sold for $16,000.00.  If my kid becomes the next John Lennon my little stash of teeth could bring in a pretty penny.
  • Another scary option that I saw while looking on the Internet was tooth jewelry. Yes jewelry made out of human teeth. Think I’m kidding.  Check it out…

A knuckle ring made out of teeth.  I can’t decide if this is totally creepy or super bad ass.

What better way to keep a part of your child with you than with a necklace made out of their teeth?!

For awhile I collected key chains and this would have been the ultimate for my collection, but they don’t seem to sell these anymore.  I am going to be honest though, these are kind of cool looking.

So far all I have done is keep a little sandwich bag in my jewelry box labeled “The Phi’s baby teeth.”  So far I have 4 teeth in there.  I would have had 5 but like I said, she swallowed one. 

Visit Elissa’s Website Punk Rock Parents

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