Bieber Fever, have you caught it yet?
It seems to have become an epidemic amongst teenage girls everywhere! However, teenage girls are not the only Justin Bieber fans out there in the world. As a matter of fact, Johnny Depp has recently been reported as contracting Bieber Fever, when he was photographed backstage of a Justin Bieber concert with singer Avery on Saturday, December 18th in Miami, Florida. Apparently the A-List actor had a song request too, so while Justin was on stage he reportedly said, “Johnny Depp wants to hear ‘Baby’,” and so of course he sang it.
So now that we are on the subject of A-List celebrities, and teenage girls who are fans of The Beebs, Selena Gomez was once again caught with Justin Bieber, this time at an IHop in Miami, Florida. Yes this was during the same time he had his December 18th concert in which Johnny Depp was spotted. Supposedly shots were taken of Selena and Justin holding hands! I have included the pics of this, so you can be the judge.
Now the most recent rumor surrounding Justin and Selena about their trip to Miami is a bit juicier than a little date at the IHop, well sort of anyways. According to America’s Life & Style magazine, while Justin was staying at the Gansevoort hotel in Miami he actually ordered room service for both him and Selena. This certainly has many people wondering, “Could this be young love?” It’s so reminiscent of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears, isn’t it? Sorry, I think I’m showing my age and digressing all at the same time. Anyhow, both Justin and Selena have maintained that they are only good friends, so all I can say is, we will see.
Back to Beiber Fever though, he really is the Breakout Artist of 2010. At first I didn’t get it, but then I saw the kid perform on Ellen and then I fully got it. I understood it 100%! He is a talented kid, he can sing, he can dance, he’s cute, and he has that great hair that he’s always tossing back and forth, which just makes me want to cut it, so he’ll stop doing that, but once again I get the appeal of it all though.
Also, he’s not scary to parents, so they are cool about their tween and teen girls gushing over him. They are even willing to buy their girls concert tickets to go see him perform, and you know what, moms are getting in on the fun and gushing over him too, while they use their kids as an excuse to go see him in concert.
Let’s face it, when Kim Kardashian flirts with the idea of having an innocent crush on Justin Bieber (and we all know he had a real crush on her at one time), then perhaps no woman is safe from Bieber Fever.
With all this hype around Justin Bieber you have to recognize his faithful fans for supporting his talent. Honestly, without fans it doesn’t matter how talented you are, they are the ones who truly fuel the fire, or in this case raise the temperature that has now become known as Bieber Fever.
The great thing is that I think Justin realizes this and appreciates his fans, as well as reaches out to them. One standout fan group that absolutely amazes me and truly demonstrates the power of Bieber Fever is the Twitter profile @BieberSoCal. This Justin Bieber Twitter Fan page appears to be run by two friends Saisha and Jennifer who are 100% devoted to Justin Bieber, but they are not the only ones devoted to him. @BieberSoCal has over 64,000 Twitter followers who are also equally devoted to The Beebs! Now if that doesn’t show the power of Bieber Fever, then I don’t know what does.
I mean this is not Justin Bieber’s Verified Twitter account I am talking about, this is simply a fan Twitter account, and yet look at how many of his fans are following it! And why? Because they all share one very important common denominator, and that is their love and pride of Justin Bieber. It’s Bieber Fever at its finest.
Therefore, if you haven’t caught Bieber Fever yet, don’t be surprised if you do. I believe Justin’s talent will surpass just being another teen idol and that his star is on a continuous rise.

- Bieber Fever
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