Back to Work! Written by: Michelle Rivera

Home / Family / Back to Work! Written by: Michelle Rivera

If you haven’t heard already, my husband Mark and I recently bought a new house that needed a lot of renovations.  It took us 7 weeks of work just to make the house livable and yet here we are living in it and still doing renovations!  It will be an on-going process as the house has so much beautiful potential and is in a beautiful neighborhood, but unfortunately was bank-owned for over a year and therefore was horribly neglected during that time.  We are giving this house a lot of much needed love now and I promise to post pictures very soon.

Now this post is actually not about our new house though, this post is about the new situation in which this new house has created.  So what’s the new situation, well I went back to work.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been working my butt off these last 3 years as a stay, I mean “work”-at-home mom.  After all, it was during these last 3 years that I not only took care of a child as a new mom, but also launched ‘Mommyhood to Hollywood’ as well.  I’m very proud of that.  However, now that my husband and I are the proud owners of two homes, yes we never sold our beautiful townhome in Colorado due to the poor seller’s market, we are now also the proud owners of a lot more financial responsibility.  Therefore, I’m back to work at a more “conventional” job, which I am actually enjoying very much.  My new position is as a Marketing Assistant and I am basically in charge of all of the marketing and social media development within the company.  It’s only a part-time job, 4 days a week, at 20 hours a week, but it’s a wonderful opportunity and it still allows me a lot of time at home with my family, as well as still affords me the opportunity to do my freelance TV Hosting and of course I’ll never abandon my blog ‘Mommyhood to Hollywood.’

I directly report to the CEO of the company and already I feel very blessed because so far he is absolutely one of the nicest bosses I have ever worked for and that truly adds quality of life to any job (I had a great boss in Colorado too-Krystal, her and I are now great friends). My new boss loves what I have done with Mommyhood to Hollywood and that’s how I got my new job in the first place. Since, I’ve been my own boss for the last 3 years and still am of course in regards to Mommyhood to Hollywood, the transition into having a traditional boss again has been much easier for me because he is so nice.

However, with this said, going back to work was still a very scary and somewhat sad transition.  Why was it sad?  Well, I have become so used to being with my little girl practically 24/7 that I went through major anxiety about leaving her, even though I am lucky enough that I am only leaving her with my mom. Still  I cried so hard the night before my first day of work that I made my husband feel so bad.  He was very sweet and understanding about it though.  I’m happy to report though, that it is all working out very well.  I only work 15 minutes away and so I’m off by 2pm and home in a flash.  I get home early enough to still be with my daughter and I’m off of work on Fridays too, so I still get 3 days just to be with her and my husband.  I guess so far it’s the most ideal “back to work” situation it can be. 

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