4Author: Michelle Rivera (Michelle Rivera)

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Mommy Guilt…Written by Michelle Rivera

I pinned this on Pinterest. I think it’s safe to say that when reading this Pinterest post above most mothers feel this way.  We all often suffer at one time or another from “Mommy Guilt.”  Working mothers feel guilty that their kids may not be getting enough family time at home because they’re in day...


Is There “Pink Slime” Lurking In Your Children’s School Lunches? Written by: Michelle Rivera

Is there “Pink Slime” lurking in your children’s school lunches?  Do you even know what “Pink Slime” is?  If you aren’t aware of “Pink Slime,” then you definitely want to educate yourself on this one.  This is both disgusting and alarming all at once.  httpv://youtu.be/wshlnRWnf30 For more information on how you can help stop “Pink...


Curious George Announces First-Ever Dance Contest!

Calling all Curious George Fans!  Do you and your child or children love Curious George?  Do they love to dance too?  For my 3 year old daughter and I, the answer to these two questions are, “YES!” and “Yes!”  Who doesn’t love the adorable, lovable, curious monkey that takes us on all of his adventures...